Champion: Rick Hellard
I am an Ottawa-based triathlete, Ironman, snowshoe racer, cross-country skier, and Triathlon Coach*. I also happen to be a patient at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute.
The University of Ottawa Heart Institute is important to me because they saved my life, and if not my life, my lifestyle. After I had a pacemaker implanted, I was able to get back to a fairly normal existence. I know they have done wonderful work and saved many lives in Ottawa and the community. I am happy to have teamed up with the Heart Institute for Hearts in Motion, an activity that will both raise valuable funds for the UOHI and get people active.
I hope you will join me in this challenge as we inspire people to get active from June 1st to 30th - and hopefully stay active well beyond then.
Hearts in Motion: The Official Challenge
Hearts in Motion is a virtual event that that can be completed at any location, from exotic locales to somewhere in your own hometown. You can walk, run, or cycle 5 km in the location of your choice. You can do a little at a time or complete the 5 km all at once.
Register, fundraise, complete your activity, and post a photo to your social media with the #Heart5K hashtag (or send your photo to the Heart Institute via email). That’s it!
You will receive a medal which will be mailed to you in July in recognition for your efforts. PLUS there are also great prizes to be won for your fundraising efforts.
Take the official challenge, or…join my team challenge
Rick’s Challenge
Register here to join my team BUT know that doing so means taking Hearts in Motion to a new level:
- Register as part of the “Regular Beats” team.
- Participate in 30min of physical activity every day for 30 days in June beginning June 1st and ending on June 30th. If 30 minutes a day for 30 days seems a bit too ambitious, try 20 minutes a day for 20 consecutive days in June start anytime before June 10!
- What qualifies as an activity? Almost anything that gets you moving, including, but not limited to: Walking, running, mowing the lawn, cycling, swimming, yoga, zumba, aerobics, weights, spinning, canoeing, kayaking, skipping…etc.
- Be part of the Hearts in Motion activity day on June 14th when one massive group of Hearts in Motion participants will take part in a 30 minute workout on the field at TD Place to mark the halfway point of Hearts in Motion. While you’re there, you’ll meet Ottawa Redblacks and Ottawa Fury, players, and mascots!
- Encourage others to take my challenge with you!
- Don’t let your challenge end - keep on going with the Challenge until the end of time.
What now?
- Register as an individual, family, or team, or take my challenge as a member of my team, Regular Beats (Team password is: 2beatsahead). You will receive a tax receipt for the value of your registration fee.
- Let your friends and family know what you are up and encourage them to support you by joining you in the event and/or by making a donation to the Heart Institute. Once you have registered, you will have access to links and information you can share in order to encourage support.
- Come on out to TD Place on June 14 for the half way workout, lead by trainers, players and mascots from the Redblacks and Ottawa Fury.
- Get your Hearts in Motion and keep on going with the Challenge until the end of June and beyond!
*Learn more about Rick and his training programs at
Champion: Ryan Mahaffey
I’m Dr. Ryan Mahaffey, a Cardiac Anesthesiologist. I recently joined the Ottawa Heart Institute team having completed my Anesthesia and Critical Care training at Queens University and my Cardiac training at Stanford. I am incredibly excited about the Hearts in Motion program and I am a huge advocate for daily activity and exercise. I am an avid cyclist and love that I can commute to the Heart Institute by bike on the wonderful paths here in Ottawa. In addition to cycling I enjoy running, swimming, Nordic skiing, windsurfing and sailing where I previously had the privilege of competing as a member of the national sailing team.
I love being active every day whether it is training for a cycling event, triathlon or being outdoors in beautiful Ottawa. During Hearts in Motion, I challenge my friends and colleagues to be active every day - walk or bike to work, get out for a run, bike or swim after a busy day. For those more adventurous (or who are like me and love to keep track of their activities) I challenge you to bike 1000km and run 100km over the month of June!!!!
Get out be active and enjoy being heart healthy!!!