Are you ready to take part in the 2017 Hearts in Motion virtual event?
Register as a solo participant or as part of a team and get started! You can complete a 5K run, walk, or cycle OR simply complete 30 minutes of physical activity. Your Hearts in Motion activity will be completed on your time, at your pace, and in the location of your choice we trust you! The only things we ask are:
- Register before you begin.
- Personalize your fundraising page and then let your friends, family, coworkers, and social media network know what you are up to by sharing the link to your personal fundraising page.
- Complete your activity sometime during the month of June.
- Once you have completed your Hearts in Motion activity, tell us about it! Send us a picture and/or post it to your social media networks with the official hashtag #Heart5K. You could win great prizes just for taking part and raising money for The Heart Institute!
Participant Fun Day
All registered Hearts in Motion participants will be invited to a special Participant Fun Event at TD Place on June 14.
Take part in a 30 minute circuit training session to complete your Hearts in Motion activity and then, meet The Ottawa REDBLACKS's Big Joe and The Ottawa Fury's Sparky!
Hearts in Motion Tips
- If you can’t talk, you’re probably working too hard. If you can sing, you could probably work a little harder.
- If you have a fever you should not exercise. Allow your body to rest and heal.
- Make it convenient for yourself. The key to your success will be choosing a place that is easy for you to access and fits well into your regular routine.
- Get a group of co-workers, friends, or family together and encourage each other to participate, challenge yourselves, and raise crucial funds for the Heart Institute.
- Pick a date and location and stick to it! It can be a route around your office, your neighbourhood, or a great local piece of the Trans Canada Trail
- Dress up! Wear red to show support for the Heart Institute.
- Have Fun!
Show off!
Don’t forget to take photos of your hearts in Motion activity as you complete it and once you are finished. Show us your route, the sunset, the lake, your team, and most importantly you! Tweet, Facebook or Instagram your journey with the hashtag #heart5K and/or email them to us!